Waht’s World Pet Press

Pet breeding population has expanded rapidly.
In 2006 already exceeded the population of 15 years and under human cattle dog / cat is said currently 40% of Japan's total household pet for any breed.

Trend information for pet owners pet Press, domestic pet related news and featured such "more fun" "more valuable" publishing a monthly tabloid Edition newspaper style updates for.

I hope society can coexist with true companion, help and coexistence as a partner by WPP, currently more than 400000 animals dogs and cats for culling fact, loves people and pets through this newspaper.

Product introduction

Produced goods in the world Pet Press sells and donatesto animal rights groups, including the sales.

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lease contact by emailif you have concerns about the unknown.

Advertising Information

We offer our advertising in the WPPdecorate the cover of variousinternational celebrities known as pet lovers.

For more information of the pet Press
Publication day Every second month publication of 25 (published 6 times a year)
Specifications Tabloids all pages version 20 pages (color)
Target Pet-related facilities such as animal hospital & veterinary, each animal protection organizations, pet school, cafe, dog run, trimming salon, local governments and insurance
Circulation 80000,
Distribution area Kanto region and Kansai region (ordered nationwide expansion)
How to distribute Pet-related facilities and Organization (pet salon, pet clothing accessories shops, dog park, cafe, animal hospital, pet-related businesses, College, such organizations (NPOs and local governments, etc.) companies) and annual subscribers who wish to mail distribution
Advertising rates
Under the three-stage in the article H93mm×W237mm ¥150,000
Medium surface all the pages H375mm×W237mm ¥500,000
Final surface all the pages H375mm×W237mm ¥700,000
advertorial One frame per ¥50,000~

※Other event announcements and advertisements feature WEB advertising and cooperative coverage please feel free to consult.
※These costs included taxes.
※Production costs will be invoiced separately. Please consult us about photography, illustrations, etc.

Continuous posting discount
Two consecutive 5%OFF
Four consecutive 10%OFF